Malik's Full Form

Malik's Full Form

Select Shift

How would you document Malik's activities of daily living during your shift?

Activities of Daily Living Definition of Activity Level of Activity Code
Bed Mobility

How client moves to and from lying position, turns side or side, and positions body while in bed or alternate sleep furniture.


How client moves between surfaces including to or from: bed, chair, wheelchair, standing position (excludes to/from bath/toilet).

Walk in Room

How client moves between surfaces including to or from: bed, chair, wheelchair, standing position (excludes to/from bath/toilet).

Walk in Hallway

How client walks in corridor on unit


How client puts on, fastens and takes off all items of clothing, including donning/removing a prosthesis or TED hose. Dressing includes putting on and changing pajamas and housedresses


How client eats and drinks, regardless of skill. Do not include eating/drinking during medication pass. Includes intake of nourishment by other means (e.g., tube feeding, total parenteral nutrition, IV fluids administered for nutrition or hydration).

Toilet Use

How client uses the toilet room, commode, bedpan, or urinal; transfers on/off toilet; cleanses self after elimination; changes pad; manages ostomy or catheter; and adjusts clothes. Do not include emptying of bedpan, urinal, bedside commode, catheter bag or ostomy bag.

Personal Hygiene

How client maintains personal hygiene, including combing hair, brushing teeth, shaving, applying makeup, washing/drying face and hands (excludes baths and showers).

Behaviors for Malik

Time Occurances Behavior
0001 – 0400
Time Occurances Behavior
0400 – 0800
Time Occurances Behavior
0800 – 1200
Time Occurances Behavior
1200 – 1600
Time Occurances Behavior
1600 – 2000
Time Occurances Behavior
2000 – 2400

How would you document Malik's bowel and bladder?

Garment Change Times Voided Amount (in mLs) Color
Garment Change Times Stooled Size Color Consistency

How would you document Malik's oral intake?

Breakfast Fluid Intake

Morning Snack Fluid Intake

Lunch Fluid Intake

Afternoon Snack Fluid Intake

Dinner Fluid Intake

Evening Snack Fluid Intake

Vital Signs for Malik

Temperature Pulse Respiration Blood Pressure